Saturday, July 28, 2012

Someone That I Used to Know.

Today was like being reintroduced to an old friend. I received the last of the supplies I needed to face paint properly. Just in time too, because yours truly has a couple gigs lined up :).

The most recent is VBS Sky Family Night 2012! It is an Event for a local Vacation Bible School. Their theme is Sky, so I will have to come up with some fun planes, birds, and butterfly designs. I also have a couple gigs in September, but I will discuss those as they get closer.

Some other exciting news is that my market manager and I got the logo ironed out. As you can see below.
We also have a business card and some flyers being sent my way. My Marketing Manager is amazing! If you haven't noticed the updates to my Structured Faces FB page you should check them out. Everything is clean and very professional looking. I am really happy with the progress and I'm super excited to get out there and start marketing myself within the community.
Now that I have the tools all I  need are the gigs.
I will be hosting an event at my home very soon to get some professional photos of models with my face painting. I think it is always important to have something to show a client. My Face is fine and all but no one wants to see a butterfly face on a grown man ;)
Anyway that is about it for now. I will have much more to tell in the next couple of days if things pan out the way I hope.

Till then my Structured Faces.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

"The Beginning"

Welcome back, I have so much to tell you. I have been working around the clock to get this little business up and running, and with every new day there is something learned and some new idea to share. I have been sketching new face ideas that im excited to show you, but you will have to wait for that. Also my "Facebook Business" page is up you can view it  HERE

Today I spent the day running errands for supplies. (Thanks Dollar Tree) I followed that with a great brain storming session with my marking manager. We worked on a logo for Structured Faces. The Logo is still in the beginning stages, but here is a rough look of what it will look like.

It is so exciting to see things coming together. To be honest there hasn't been much in life that I could be passionate about and also receive an income for, but this new venture has truly made me very happy. The idea of doing what i love and sharing that experience is truly the best feeling. The smile you see on my face today wears many names; Hope, Pride, Happiness, and Love. May sound cheesy, but that's the kinda guy I am.

Till next time my Structured Faces.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Start of Somthing New.

Structured Faces is back, and with that a lot of changes. I no longer work for a face painting company, but I'm venturing off on my own. Back home living in Michigan, I plan to take what I have learned in Los Angeles and apply it to my own face painting business. I have already started booking gigs which is amazing because I have only been back a little over a week.

So the plan now it to get the supplies I need and begin marketing myself.

Coming soon...
Look for my own Website
A Business Face Book Page
and so much more!!

I hope your ready and excited, because I am!

Below is a lil preview of how far Ive come.